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Velebitsko (Student Project)

Designed by: 3S5
Designers: Tomislav Fabijanić, Dubravko Tuksar
Country: Croatia

Velebitsko pivo is surely among the best beers to be found on the Croatian market. It boasts a rich and unique flavour, a benefit of the natural brewing process and pure spring water from the wellspring Ričina, located at the base of the Velebit mountain. The brand’s only shortcoming, as we see it, is the design of its current label and the way it communicates the basic idea.

This was the reason why we decided to redesign the label, considering all elements crucial for the story of a naturally brewed beer with healthy ingredients and the story of the Velebit fairy, the guardian of that region. Our goal was to retain essential elements and redesign them, so as to emphasize the idea, but also to structure textual information of relevance to the consumers, by taking into consideration the expenses of label production.

First of all we created a logo for the brewery which, in our opinion, hasn’t been clearly defined yet. Our graphic solution highlights the location of the brewery. With the lettering “Pivovara Ličanka” (Ličanka brewery) and “Velebitsko pivo” (Velebitsko beer) on a separate label, in the combination with our logo, we wanted to point out to the origins of the beer and the quality of the water used in its production.

Current label depicts a woman representing the Velebit fairy. According to the Croatian mythology, fairies are the guardians of nature. The problem here is that the fairy is placed in a small oval shape and is barely visible so we wanted to accentuate her importance.

Furthermore, we find that information such as bottle capacity and alcohol content is not visible enough and well readable on the current label and since it is relevant for the consumers, we decided to restructure it and thus make it more noticeable. We adjusted the hierarchy of all information and sorted it by relevance.

Beer colour depends on how long barley is roasted before brewing. We used that fact and pasted different barley photos in the background of our label – one for lager beer and one for dark beer.

Finally, we concentrated on the question of how to cut production expenses. The production of current label requires five-colour-printing. We reduced these to only two unique colours for all printed materials.

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